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Monday, January 25, 2016

Peanut Butter Chocolate Creams

Peanut Butter Chocolate Creams
By Kathryn

1/4 cup Heavy Cream
2 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Liquid Stevia
Dash of Himalayan Pink Salt
16 oz. Cream Cheese
120 g. Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Wafers
1 cup Peanut Butter-Natural

In a mixer bowl, add cream, vanilla, stevia and salt…. Start to mix a couple of minutes on HIGH…. While beating, SLOWY add in the cream cheese and peanut butter ….continue to beat until very creamy…. Scrape all into a gallon ziploc, snip a small opening into the corner and squeeze slowly… and pipe the creamed mixture into small drops on 2 parchment paper lined cookie sheets …. I made 180 drops… add a chocolate drop to the top of each drop…. Place into the freezer to freeze…. When frozen… put all into a covered container and store in freezer…

Makes 90 (2 drop) servings….

Each (2 drops) equals=
Calories 44
Fat 4 g.
Protein 1 g,
Carb. 2 g.
Fiber 0 g.
Net Carbs. 2 g.


  1. Where do you buy the Chocolate Wafers?

    1. Well, in a local store... Winco.... they have a bulk food section... They have a sugar free candy area.... I buy them in the bulk... but I am sure you could substitute sugar free chocolate chips if you cannot find the wafers..
